Free-of-charge brochures available on telecommunications markets in more than 100 countries

Sometimes, in particular in times of crisis, it may be important for some small and medium-sized businesses to look for new markets abroad. For a first orientation in this respect the German Association for Information Management, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM) provides a 500-pages brochures containing market information on about 100 national markets for information and telecommunications technologies ranging from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.
The brochure called “Auslandsmärkte als Chance” (foreign markets as an opportunity) was compiled in co-operation with the German ministry for foreign affairs. BITKOM also provides a free-of-charge guide on the Czech Republic for which BITKOM predicts above-average growth in the medium term. This guide provides exporters with advice on how to make their supply contracts legally binding.

Furthermore, BITKOM provides similar guides on France, Poland, Russia and the United Arabic Emirates.

The following brochures may be downloaded for free:

  • Brochure “Auslandsmärkte als Chance”
  • Guide on Czech Republic
  • Guide on France
  • Guide on Poland
  • Guide on Russia
  • Guide on United Arab Emirates

